Unusual Activity
Lamp Design + Art Film

Fabricated from a multitude of sequin-filled gift ribbons formed into two geometries – (1) a cylinder whose back face is sealed into a line and whose front face is an open hole with a line cutting through it, and (2) a triangular cone – "Unusual Activity" is an artistic light apparatus that mimics the dichotomy of a mysterious life form that lures with its charming spins and beautiful cylinders, only to then attack with its pointed biology that protrudes outward in a semi-spherical array from its "heart" – the central, underside glow of the bulb within. The artistic film of this lamp animates this story in the atmosphere of the chaotic, violent, and mesmerizing classical masterpiece of Benjamin Britten's "Four Seas Interlude".

ELAC Environmental Design 102 / March 2021 / with Professor Alexis Navarro