Hi there, I'm Aiyo...

...and my aspiration is to dissolve the barrier between this reality and the next.

In particular, my interest is in crafting experiences which curate emotional sensations, on a spectrum of anything from bright and poppy, to dark and abysmal, and the full gradient between. I look to not only create “traditional” architecture in the physical sense, but also to establish the future of what is loosely known as the “metaverse”. The metaverse is an extension of the real world in VR (virtual reality) space, but, being virtual, it is much more open to artistic expression as it can defy many of the physical world limitations we face. It's a place where our creative visions, both architectural and not, can be shared as entire realities or worlds and has the added benefit of being accessible and inclusive to the masses. I want architects to be at the forefront of guiding the development of this VR space so that we're able to share with everyone how wonderful life can be if we seek to live out in a manifestation of the dreams we have.

I equate architecture to reality itself. I say that reality is our experiences of the world which our bodies translate to impact our souls, and it is impossible to exist sustaining open senses whilst not coming into contact with the immaterial truth of this wake, so architecture is, therefore, reality.