Forsaken Realm

Situated inside and underneath the LA River, the "Forsaken Realm" is a gallery hallway inspired by the negative emotion of forsaken. The particular experience being evoked from this singular word is one of being abandoned in a desolate, unfamiliar environment that is both hostile and mystifying; perceived danger lurks at every corner, yet interest entices you to venture. The design is indicative of a parasite that feeds on the river, the three mouths of which, each known as "rifts", are designed based on three major points of why the LA River has failed–how it itself has become an abandoned mess of concrete channels. Users explore the Forsaken Realm with a purely monochromatic light so as to break the optics of reality; sharp, grotesque, cavity-filled teeth fill the interior vantablack void walls and "attack" people; deep, soul-shaking vibrations emanate back and forth throughout the realm like breathing life; and art installations lay scattered throughout like they've been swallowed up. This project was in collaboration with peer Lucy Taylor, who designed the counterpart gallery, "urbanAWE", that is situated above ground and features a similar biotic design language, but based on the positive emotion that is awe. Together, the balance of the "Forsaken Realm" and "urbanAWE" create the collective "Museum of Emotions".

ELAC Architectural Independent Studies 385 / February 2022 / with Professor Orhan Ayyuce and Peer Lucy Taylor